Email Newsletter Archives


Suffer from eczema?

  If you suffer from eczema you need to do four things avoid foods to which you are intolerant...most likely suspects are foods / drinks which you regularly consume at least twice daily Change the products you use to wash your clothes.  Use the brand Surcare....

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IBS symptoms?

Following the diet suggested in my book 'Food Intolerance Solutions' ensures on average 90% improvement. Here is the chapter about tummy issues... Chapter 4: Gastro-intestinal and digestion It is a miserable existence for someone whose life is ruled by their gut....

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Is wheat intolerance common…really?

 Hell no it isn't! Despite all you read in the press, on blogs and posts. So how can that be?? When less than 1% of people I test have an intolerance to wheat. 75% of people who come to me for testing have been restricting their wheat intake, expecting that it will be...

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Palm oil danger

Palm oil is not only endangering our rainforests but also our health.  Read on and spread the word.

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Want to get rid of adult acne?

The most common food causes of acne are cheese of any kind and anything to do with chocolate. Also often associated with Vitamin A and zinc deficiencies.  Take zinc 30mg daily in the evenings, and Betacarotene 15mg in the mornings.  If following these tips does not...

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Are you REALLY wheat and gluten intolerant?

Actually it's unlikely.  A huge majority of people suspect they are wheat intolerant, because they feel bloated after eating bread. BUT less than 1% of people I test are wheat and gluten intolerant. but yes they do react to something in bread...just not wheat. What...

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My last monthly newsletter

I have decided to stop doing a long ...ish newsletter on the first of every month in favour of shorter more frequent soundbites.....a bit like the short bursts that are in this month's offering...If you would like to keep getting these could you sign up for my blog on...

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Drop Me a Line

If you would like more information, or would like to book a consultation

Mary Roe Food Intolerance Solutions

committed to enabling you to achieve a massive improvement in your day-to day health